A Natural Journey
Friends it's been a six-and-a-half year journey so far and it will continue. I've always been sensitive to smells and had to deal with so many allergies. However, this journey has not only given me major support, I am finding ways to make my life more natural in many more ways. I'm now one of those who makes my own deodorant...;) I clean my entire house with OnGuard, so there is no toxic chemicals to deal with. I'm not perfect at this lifestyle. I'm changing for the better bit by bit.
At first it seemed expensive. Then as I started using the natural cleaning products, skin products, hair products, etc. I simply moved this miscellaneous family budget to doTerra. Now after a year plus of order monthly I'm earning 30% back in points for free product. That means I'm paying less than 45% of retail for the absolutely best products on the planet.

I've created this entire website and haven't even gone into the details of how doTerra is touching the lives of every person who picks the plants and sources the oils. They are building schools, wells, clinics and caring for each individual. Take a look at their Healing Hands and Co-Impact Sourcing and take a chance on using doTerra as you continue on Your Natural Journey...