Now What?
You've Got Your Oils...
You're now enrolled and your oils are on the way!
Let's set up a time to do a 1-hour Wellness Consult together. We can do it in person or online.
We'll talk about the oils you have and how to use them. I want you to know how to use what you've purchased.
We'll talk about challenges you and your family and friends might have and natural solutions for your support on your natural journey.
If Facebook is your thing, you will find Nature Empowers group and a few others with education as you are new to your oils.
There's even a weeklong oil camp where you can comment and earn prizes.
If you would like some of Shaleen's other tips about Freezer Food Cooking, parenting, organization and more? Please join my Absolutely Joyful Facebook page. I love sharing the things I am passionate about...;)
Continuing Education Classes
Right now we're holding our weekly classes on Zoom.
Guest Presenters and Leaders on our Team teach on a variety of topics.
Join us for some great conversation and education. We really enjoy our time together!
video education
I've created a YouTube Channel where you can watch some simple videos educating you on some of doTerra's products.
They're short, sweet and informative!
I'm happy to share some Essential Oil Education!
Sign Up to receive Shaleen's
Nature Empowers Weekly Newsletter
(you do not have to be enrolled with doTerra or be on Nature Empowers Team)